Printing with P-touch Template


This feature enables replacing the texts and printing by transferring a predefined template via the following steps.

  1. Create a template with P-touch Editor (*.pd3, *.pdz, *.blf) (*1)
  2. Transfer the template to a printer
  3. Print the template you specified. (*2)

(*1) Brother Print SDK doesn't support.
(*2) You can replace some texts in the template before printing.

Sample Codes

Transfer Template

iOS - Objective-C:

- (void)transfer:(NSString *)filePath {
    // Specify printer
    BRPtouchPrinter *printer = [[BRPtouchPrinter alloc] initWithPrinterName:@"QL-1110NWB" interface:CONNECTION_TYPE_WLAN];
    [printer setIPAddress:@"your-printer-ip"];

    // Connect, then transfer
    if ([printer startCommunication]) {
        int errorCode = [printer sendTemplate:filePath connectionType:CONNECTION_TYPE_WLAN];
        if (errorCode != ERROR_NONE_) {
            NSLog(@"ERROR - %d", errorCode);
        [printer endCommunication];

iOS - Swift:

func transfer(filePath: String) {
    // Specify printer
    let printer = BRPtouchPrinter(printerName: "QL-1110NWB", interface: CONNECTION_TYPE.WLAN)!

    // Connect, then transfer
    if printer.startCommunication() {
        let errorCode = printer.sendTemplate(filePath, connectionType: CONNECTION_TYPE.WLAN)
        if errorCode != ERROR_NONE_ {
            print("ERROR - \(errorCode)")


void transfer(String filePath) {
    // Specify printer
    final Printer printer = new Printer();
    PrinterInfo settings = printer.getPrinterInfo();
    settings.printerModel = Model.QL_1110NWB;
    settings.ipAddress = "your-printer-ip";
    settings.workPath = "Context.writable-dir-path";

    // Connect, then transfer
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if (printer.startCommunication()) {
                PrinterStatus result = printer.transfer(filepath);
                if (result.errorCode != ErrorCode.ERROR_NONE) {
                    Log.d("TAG", "ERROR - " + result.errorCode);

The following sample code shows how to print a template replacing a text object with a new text. The SDK supports the following replacement API. See each API for more details.

Feature iOS Android
Replace text in order replaceText: replaceText
Replace text using the object index replaceTextIndex:objectIndex: replaceTextIndex
Replace text using the object name replaceTextName:objectName: replaceTextName

iOS - Objective-C:

- (void)printTemplate:(int)templateKey text:(NSString *)newText {
    // Specify printer
    BRPtouchPrinter *printer = [[BRPtouchPrinter alloc] initWithPrinterName:@"QL-1110NWB" interface:CONNECTION_TYPE_WLAN];
    [printer setIPAddress:@"your-printer-ip"];

    // Connect, then print
    if ([printer startCommunication]) {
        // Specify the template key and the printer encode
        if ([printer startPTTPrint:templateKey encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]) {
            // Replace text object with new text
            [printer replaceText:newText];

            // Start print
            if ([printer flushPTTPrintWithCopies:1] == RET_FALSE) {
                NSLog(@"template print failed");
        [printer endCommunication];

iOS - Swift:

func printTemplate(templateKey: Int, newText: String) {
    // Specify printer
    let printer = BRPtouchPrinter(printerName: "QL-1110NWB", interface: CONNECTION_TYPE.WLAN)!

    // Connect, then print
    if printer.startCommunication() {
        // Specify the template key and the printer encode
        if printer.startPTTPrint(templateKey, NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
            // Replace text object with new text

            // Start print
            if printer.flushPTTPrint(withCopies:1) == RET_FALSE {
               print("template print failed")


void printTemplate(int templateKey, String newText) {
    // Specify Printer
    final Printer printer = new Printer();
    PrinterInfo settings = printer.getPrinterInfo();
    settings.printerModel = Model.QL_1110NWB;
    settings.ipAddress = "your-printer-ip";

    // Connect, then print
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if (printer.startCommunication()) {
                // Specify the template key and the printer encode
                if (startPTTPrint(templateKey, null)) {
                    // Replace text object with new text

                    // Start print
                    PrinterStatus result = printer.flushPTTPrint();
                    if (result.errorCode != ErrorCode.ERROR_NONE) {
                        Log.d("TAG", "ERROR - " + result.errorCode);